Goalkeeping Training with Sting Sao Paulo FC in Edmonton

It is now confirmed:  Coach Armando will continue coaching and training all the youth goalkeeper members of the Sting Sao Paulo FC Club in Edmonton for the upcoming season, the 2009s to 1999s.  Our goalkeepers have shown tremendous improvements that have carried over to their games in which they have demonstrated superior savings techniques coming from their weekly goalkeeping training, as part of Sting Sao Paulo FC Technical Training Program.  Several of our goalkeepers have helped their teams to qualify for City Finals and Provincials, and a few of them have even been selected to participate in the Provincial ASA programs.

Coach Armando is looking forward to another amazing season with his youth trainees, collecting stories of success.  Coach Armando will be under the direction of the Technical Director Jorge Rodriguez in the new Sting Sao Paulo FC Technical Training Program.

Em nove anos, Léo só disputou um amistoso contra o Londrina pelo São Paulo (Foto: Djalma Vassão/Gazeta Press)

Em nove anos, Léo só disputou um amistoso contra o Londrina pelo São Paulo (Foto: Djalma Vassão/Gazeta Press)