GOALKING Goalkeeper International Camp 2016 – California

GOALKING is organizing an international trip with youth goalkeeper members of the SW STING Soccer Club, to Fullerton, California, to attend the residential camp of world-class goalkeeper and coach Tony DiCiccio.  In this camp, SW STING goalkeepers will learn and train in the field and classroom from July 3rd to the 8th.  This is only for SW STING goalkeepers.  Two programs will be offered: the Performance Program and the NTC Program.  The Performance Program is an advanced sophisticated training for goalkeepers 10 to 22 years old who have the desire to increase their knowledge in all the technical and tactical aspects of the goalkeeping position as part of their yearly development as goalkeepers, whereas the NTC program is a high-level functional training environment for top goalkeepers 15 to 22 years of age with aspirations of playing in college or beyond. For more information please write to: info@goalking.ca .